
研究效益 Research Objectives

1. 認知與心智科學中心宗旨在於跨領域整合,結合生物與生命科學、心理學、認知與神經科學等,在人、腦與心智方面深入研究,目標為何?

長久以來,知覺、學習、記憶等心智活動皆是人們渴望理解的問題,20世紀初時,生物、生命科學以及心理學等學科開始發展,帶動了神經細胞的結構功能的理解、血液動力論等發展,心理學則建立許多認知模型,直至20世紀末,前述理論搭配物理和工程的發展,發明許多腦影像技術,提供科學家以腦部活動研究人類認知歷程的嶄新途徑,使各項認知模型以及假設能夠取得更進一步的科學驗證。 21世紀,心智科學的理論以及方法的突破,並不如過去,由單一學問閉門造車可取得,相反的,需要透過整合各個領域的經驗和專業,才能在更為宏觀的議題中得到更為深入且精確的答案,認知與心智科學中心便是期盼透過各領域的整合,邀請校內外醫學、心理學、生命科學、社會科學和工程學專家共同合作,創新研究主題和技術,開發有系統性的疾病與認知功能研究方法,並且期望能夠應用於解決現代人類所面對的各項問題上,諸如壓力排解、記憶力保持、語言能力提升以及老年保健等等。同時我們也希望藉由研究和醫療的結合,讓原本健保無法長期執行認知復健的病患,能有另一個訓練和復原的機會 


2. 在認知與心智科學中心裡,人文社會科學扮演什麼樣的角色?

本中心期望將心智科學的成果推廣至社會大眾,並且解決現代「人」所面對的諸多問題,因此在進行科學研究時,抱持「以人為本」的觀念便十分的重要,人文社會科學是直接研究「人」的學問, 關注的範疇包含語言、哲學、學習以及社會變遷等議題,人文社會科學在本中心所扮演的角色便是連結科學技術以及人文,從人文中找尋問題,從科學技術中指引答案,使得科學所得到的不再如教條般冰冷,而具有支持人類生活的溫度,拉近科學與生活之間的距離。


3. 目前認知與心智科學中心的研究成果在實務上如何應用?有哪些成果?






4. 認知與心智科學中心與他校類似研究領域的研究中心(如台大神經生物與認知科學研究中心、成大心智影響研究中心),最大不同點在於?



5. 未來認知與心智科學中心期望達成的目標?

未來本中心期望更加擴大合作醫院的範圍,擴展中風語言治療、老人智能提昇以及腦傷認知復健研究的區域廣度,同時也歡迎社區群眾若家中有受到中風後失語症、健康或輕微認知退化之長者、腦傷後認知功能下降者,聯絡本中心本中心將提供相關認知復健課程以及腦造影追蹤,並搭配主治醫師照顧。此外,本中心發現先前國內之電腦認知保健遊戲對老年人或病患而言較不友善,因此本中心也期望未來能夠發展結合動作與認知功能訓練的保健遊戲和課程, 更符合老年人和病患的需求,我們教導之技巧也能實際應用於生活,提昇生活品質、心靈素質和情緒管理的能力



English Version:

1. NTHU Center for Cognition and Mind Sciences aims to achieve interdisciplinary integration of different areas like biology and life sciences, psychology, cognition, and neuroscience. Research focuses on humans, the brain, and the mind. What are the goals of these studies?


 People have always tried to better understand consciousness, learing and memory. In the early 20th century, progress in biology, life sciences and psychological studies led to the development of hemodynamics and a better understanding of the structural function of neurons. In psychology, many cognitive models were built at that time. These cognitive models and hypotheses were further investigated scientifically in the late 20th century, espececially after the invention and maturation of brain imaging technology. In the 21st century, we can no longer expect to obtain new theories and methods using old practices. Instead, we must combine all experiences and expertise from various areas; only then can we get a much more precise understanding of this macroscopic issue. The Center for Cognition and Mind Sciences aims to innovate current research and technology and to construct systematic research methods for studying diseases and cognitive functions that target problems like stress reduction, memory retention, improving language ability and elderly care. Therefore, we facilitate interdisciplinary integrations by inviting experts from various fields to work together. In addition to this, we hope patients who are unable to receive long-term cognitive rehabilitation therapy from their health insurance could be benefited by this integration.



2. What role do humanities and social sciences play in the Center for Cognition and Mind Sciences?


“People-oriented principles” is a key concept at our center. We hope to spread the results of mind sciences to the common people and solve their problems. Humanities and social sciences study the humanity’s sophisticated nature, including language, philosophy, learning and social change. The goal of this center is to connect humanities and technology to discover problems from humanities and seek answers in science and technology. All in all, humanities and social sciences make scientific knowledge more approachable and accessible to commoners.



3. Currently, what are the research results obtained by the Center for Cognition and Mind Sciences? How will they be applied practically?


The center emphasizes practical applications on speech and language therapy, strengthening elderly competence and brain injury recovery. For example, we have introduced melodic intonation therapy to Taiwan as speech and language therapytreatment. We are able to customize treatments for aphasia patients, keep track of their behavioral changes and check for neurological changes using NMRI through our collaboration with hospitals. Moreover, by introducing effective cognitive rehabilitation games and courses from abroad, brain injury patients and elderly cognitive care can be helped. Due to the effectiveness of speech and language therapy, we have been invited by Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Stroke Center to promote in-home singing exercises to aphasia patients and their families.

     Our center also actively participates in nurturing researchers. Many of our medical professionals and researchers have be sent abroad for further studies. Excellent students also have an opportunity to exchange to elite universities like Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, and Northwest University. The goal of these exchanges is are to improve cognitive neurological research and cognitive rehabilitation technology in Taiwan by learning from foreign experts.

     Other than academic research, one of our main objectives is to popularize neurological science and the concept of self-healthcare to the public. Hence, we have established our own newsletter and Facebook community and have taken part in seminars and broadcasts. Our ultimate goal is to educate people about neurological science so that geriatric symptoms like dementia can be prevented.

     Recently, the center has arranged seminars and workshops. We hope to expand our collaborations with other institutions and hospitals through an open exchange of knowledge and ideas.



4. How is NTHU Center for Cognition and Mind Sciences different from similar research centers of other universities? (eg. Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center of NTU, Mind Research and Imaging Center of NCKU)


The most significant difference is that other research centers primarily focus on the operation of equipment, analysis training, and collaborations. Other universities generally aim to train researchers who will then carry out research, therefore they main target current researchers in academia. On the other hand, our center values the importance of nurturing rehabilitation professionals who are clinically experienced. We think that taking part in interdisciplinary practices is crucial for elevating students' knowledge and techniques as this could lead to their future contributions to the society and make them shine internationally.



5. What are the future goals and prospects of the Center for Cognition and Mind Sciences?


We aim to increase and expand our depth and breadth in various ways, such as hospital collaborations, speech and language therapy for stroke patients, elderly intelligence improvement, and brain injury rehabilitation research. Patients who have aphasia after having a stroke, mild degeneration in health and cognition, or are facing a decline in cognitive ability due to brain injuries are welcome to contact us, and we will provide relevant programs and imaging technology to track the brain and assign a doctor to keep track of the patient