
語言治療 Speech & Language Therapy

    根據我國行政院衛生福利部國民健康署估計,在台灣,每年約有35,000 飽受中風之苦(http://homepage.vghtpe.gov.tw/~hcqa/Excellency/E-29.htm)。失語症是中風後患者常會發生的症狀,往往影響個案日常生活功能與生活品質。
    中風後失語症有許多的治療方式,其中非流暢型失語症,是一種口語或文字溝通能力受損的情況,先前研究發現,比起「說」出語言,非流暢性失語症的患者更能夠「唱」出語言,因此,旋律語調療法(Melodic intonation therapy)被發現是能夠讓患者成功產出語言的治療方式。

     According to The Health Promotion Administration (HPA), an estimated 35,000 patients suffer from strokes every year. Aphasia is very common among stroke patients and can affect the daily activities and quality of life of patients.

     Non-fluent aphasia is when speech output is severely reduced and limited mainly to short utterances. Research has discovered that non-fluent aphasia patients are capable of singing words that they cannot speak. Hence, melodic intonation therapy has been found to be most effective in treating this type of aphasia.

     Melodic intonation therapy involves long-term intensive treatments based on melodies and rhythms. The patient’s left hand is tapped on each beat to stimulate the right brain. This helps the right side of the brain to take over the functions of the damaged part in the language-capable regions in the left side of the brain. Melodic intonation therapy has been proven to be effective for regaining speech abilities. However, the relationship between language recovery and white matter tracts related to language pathology encompassing local patients has not been thoroughly investigated.

     In Taiwan, we are the first to incorporate MRI in investigating the connections between treatment results and changes in cranial nerves. Other than being experienced in practicing melodic intonation therapy, we also design customized programs for each individual patient to maximize the recovery results.


The picture below shows the research result of our collaboration with National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch. Compared to the results of the control group, patients treated with melodic intonation therapy showed significant recovery of white matter.