
中心簡介 About Us



開設「語言治療學程」及「中高齡之能培訓課程」等等課程,並且發給證書。 本中心也與台灣藝術治療學會、新竹杜華心苑心理諮商所合作,課程內容有藝術治療及心理諮商相關課程。






大眾身心的健康 為教育大眾如何預防失智症,積極推廣科學新知以及銀髮族智能保健活動,中心一直致力於引進國外實證有效之認知復建遊戲訓練並開發適合本土文化之個人化訓練課程。心智復健訓練研究及服務對象包含大多數社區民眾,舉凡想預防大腦退化之成年人、中風患者、銀髮族、腦部創傷,以及輕微認知障礙患者。我們採用核磁共振儀、腦電波儀以及腦磁波儀追蹤大腦的變化。


Our mission is to develop methods that can improve human intelligence through integrating knowledge from different fields. Neuroimaging and behavioral analyses enable us to study the mechanisms of our mind and cognition, focusing more on how diseases, aging, and injuries affect the brain. We integrate technologies from various areas such as medicine, cognition and mind sciences, consulting psychology, and engineering , to repair brain damage and to further develop cognitive potentials.

Continuing Education
We offer programs like the Program of Speech & Language Therapy and Cognitive Training for the Middle-aged and Elderly. Certificates are awarded upon completion of the courses. In addition, we also have courses related to art therapy and psychological counselling in collaboration with Taiwan Art Therapy Association (TATA) and Dowd's Love Counselling Center.

Social Welfare Seminars
We invite scholars, medical experts, and government officials to have conversations with the public regarding health and wellness issues and the latest scientific developments. 

Social support
Preliminary cognition screenings and tests are crucial for later course arrangements. Our courses consist of somatosensory games, reading, physical exercise and memory training. Anyone who has cognitive difficulties or neurodegenerative diseases is welcome to join the course.

Public health and mental wellbeing
Our center is always keeping up with the latest verified cognitive rehabilitation game training, and we customize the courses to suit our local situation. We strive to educate the public on dementia prevention and seek to share scientific knowledge and cognitive protection with older people. Our targeted research and service groups include adults who would like to prevent neurodegenerative diseases, stroke patients, the elderly, and people with brain injuries or mild cognitive difficulties. NMR spectrometer, electroencephalograph (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) are some of the equipment that used to trace brain activity.